Tarsha Jordan, a dedicated family child care provider in our community, shared with OSSS an email she sent recently to fellow Family Child Care (FCC) Program leader, Nancy Harvey. Nancy is also a part of the bargaining committee for Child Care Providers United. As Tarsha eloquently describes, California family child care providers are now seeing the results of their historic victory to establish the nation’s first retirement fund for FCC providers, a critical step towards their financial security and recognition of their vital work. The Oakland Starting Smart and Strong 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was created with action at its center – we did not intend for it to sit on a shelf (or in a PDF). The plan, developed in collaboration with over 300 stakeholders, builds on our past successes, maps a clear strategic direction forward, and is deeply rooted in our commitment to racial justice and equity. This summer, we took a look at our progress as we embark on the last year of the plan. Here are just some highlights: Each of Oakland’s City Districts has different programs, services, and community resources that support Oakland’s youngest children. Each district also has its own systemic challenges, with many children, families, and early childhood educators who have unmet needs. To help understand the city’s early childhood landscape, OSSS developed the Oakland Early Childhood Ecosystem City District Profiles for each of Oakland's seven City Districts. These profiles are for community advocates, policy and programs leaders, funders, Oakland City Councilmembers, and OUSD School Board Directors who seek to leverage data for place-based early childhood systems change. |
November 2024