Early Childhood Public Meetings
There are many ways to participate in Oakland early childhood policy conversations. Learn about a broad range of Oakland and Alameda County public meetings, which range from oversight commissions for early childhood funding to regular meetings of City Council and School Board.
Want to share your priorities with an elected representative? Take a look at the "Contacting Your Elected Officials" guide to find your City Councilmember, School Board Director, County Supervisor, and State Legislators. This page last updated on 5/28/2024, please check websites for latest meeting information.
Early Childhood Public Meetings
Oakland Children's Initiative Oversight Commission
- The Oakland Children’s Initiative (Measure AA) is a 2018 Charter Amendment passed by the voters of Oakland to deepen our early investment in children and support them through college graduation.
- Meets monthly on the 4th Thursday, 4:00-6:00 pm in-person at City Hall and viewable by zoom.
Oakland Head Start Advisory Board & Parent Policy Council Meetings
- The City of Oakland Head Start/Early Head Start Advisory Board provides oversight of quality services for Head Start children and families and for making decisions related to program design and implementation. These decisions and recommendations are shared with the City Council annually or as requested.
Youth and Education
OUSD School Board Meetings
- Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) will build a Full Service Community District focused on high academic achievement while serving the whole child, eliminating inequity, and providing each child with excellent teachers, every day
Oakland Fund for Children and Youth (OFCY) Planning and Oversight Committee
- The Planning and Oversight Committee (POC) is the public body that oversees the Oakland Fund for Children and Youth (OFCY).
Oakland Thrives Leadership Council and Youth Ventures Joint Power Authority (JPA)
- The member agencies of the Oakland Thrives Leadership Council and Youth Ventures Joint Powers Authority are focused on building collaborative partnerships to leverage resources, eliminating duplication of services, and delivering accessible services to the most challenged populations.
Additional Meetings (where Early Childhood may be discussed)
Oakland City Council Meetings
- The Oakland City Council is made up of one representative from each of seven districts and one at-large representative. The Council sets goals and priorities for the City. The council approves the City budget, adopts ordinances to help the City serve its community members, and appoints members to various boards and commissions.
City of Oakland Public Commission Meetings
- The City of Oakland has over forty Boards and Commissions that play a vital role in City government. Boards and Commissions serve as a mechanism for the community members of Oakland to bring issues of concern to the attention of the general public and the City Council.
Early Childhood Public Meetings
Measure C Community Advisory Council Meetings
- The Community Advisory Council (CAC), an 11-member volunteer advisory body, informs recommendations and program design as First 5 administers and implements the Measure C’s Child Care, Preschool, and Early Education (CCPEE) account. The Community Advisory Council members are selected and appointed by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and the Alameda County Early Care & Education Planning Council (Local Planning Council) based on the expertise and experience required for their designated seat as specified in the Measure C Ordinance. First 5 staffs the Council.
- Measure C Community Advisory Council Meetings (please check websites for latest meeting information)
First 5 Alameda Commission Meetings
- An eight-member volunteer commission oversees the work of First 5 Alameda County, which supports the health, development and well-being of our youngest children through their first five years. Commissioners are selected and appointed by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors based upon their expertise in early care and education, health care, social services and children with special needs. The full commission meets up to six times a year.
- First 5 Alameda Commission Meetings: one Thursday, every other month, in person and Zoom (please check websites for latest meeting information)
Alameda County Early Care and Education Planning Council (LPC)
- The Alameda County Office of Education hosts the Early Care and Education (ECE) Planning Council (LPC) and conducts child care feasibility studies in new, leased, or renovated County buildings, analyzes public policy, cultivates partnerships to strengthen ECE resources, and provides professional development supports to employees of subsidized ECE programs throughout the County.
- 2024 Committee & Work Group Meetings Calendar; all meetings hybrid
- LPC Executive Committee
- Tuesdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (1st Tuesday, monthly)
- LPC Public Policy
- Wednesdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (1st Wednesday, monthly)
- LPC Steering Committee
- Every Other Month, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (3rd Friday, bi-monthly)
- LPC Quality Advisory Committee
- Thursdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (4th Thursday, bi-monthly)
- LPC State Contractors
- Thursdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (1st Thursday, bi-monthly)
- LPC Executive Committee
- 2024 Committee & Work Group Meetings Calendar; all meetings hybrid
Additional Meetings (where Early Childhood may be discussed)
Alameda County Board of Supervisors Meetings
- Alameda County is governed by a five-member Board of Supervisors, each of whom is elected on a non-partisan basis from a separate district where he/she lives. Within the broad limits established by the State Constitution, State General Law, and the Alameda County Charter, the Board exercises both the legislative and the executive functions of government. The Board of Supervisors is also the governing body for a number of “special districts” within Alameda County.