In the November 2020 election, Oakland voters supported ballot initiatives that would uplift equity for children and families. Measure W will fund services for people experiencing homlessness; Measure QQ enables youth to vote in school board elections; and Measure Y approved bonds to fund OUSD construction. We’re proud that our local community prioritizes much-needed social services, youth civic engagement, and a long-term commitment for school infrastructure.
Statewide election results show that we have to continue to mobilize for equitable systemic change. Just as our young students are learning and growing online, we’re doing the same -- through the Oakland Early Learning Symposium. Part II of the symposium, on November 14, focused on Online Learning and Family Support. Over 170 participants heard practical tips and inspiring stories of connecting with children and families during this challenging time. And, teachers and caregivers shared their personal pride in learning so many new tech skills to make their online teaching more effective. The Promising Practices Portfolio is now a workshop for educators! In November, OSSS launched “Improving Early Learning Outcomes for Boys of Color: 10 Promising Practices,” a three-hour training based on the innovative equity strategies and approaches that were featured in the report developed by the Boys of Color workgroup. “This was, so far, the best training I have attended on this topic,” wrote one OUSD participant in a post-workshop evaluation survey. “I appreciated that this [workshop] actually talked about bias in education and education of young children.” |
July 2024