Oakland Starting Smart and Strong supports a research justice framework that centers community voice and leadership in data collection and analysis and recognizes community members as experts who own knowledge and information about their communities.
This page lists resources and research we’ve funded, as well as other great sources of information that help us all nurture the next generation. All reports are authored by Oakland Starting Smart & Strong unless otherwise noted. |
Collective Impact
- 2023 Year in Review: Highlights of Oakland Starting Smart and Strong collaborative's work in 2023; January 2024
- Oakland Starting Smart and Strong Overview: An overview of Oakland Starting Smart and Strong; November 2023
- 2022 Year in Review: Highlights of Oakland Starting Smart and Strong collaborative's work in 2022; January 2023
- 2021 Year in Review: Highlights of the Oakland Starting Smart and Strong collaborative's work in 2021; December 2021
- 2020 OSSS Data Placemat: Assessment of the impact of Oakland Starting Smart and Strong's initiatives and systems change efforts; March 2020
- 2020 Year in Review: Highlights of the OSSS collaborative's work in 2020 to meet the needs of community in a time of crisis while making gains reaching our long-term goals; December 2020
- Working Together for Young Children and Families: Partner mapping to understand the extent to which key stakeholders in the early learning system in each community are working together compared to before the start of the Smart & Strong initiative; Spring 2019
- Practitioner Perspectives on Systems Change: This report focuses on findings from the Oakland interviews, exploring how S3I work is gaining traction across the broader early learning system and how this work is being understood and interpreted by practitioners; February 2019
Data, Policy, and Advocacy
- Early Childhood: 2024-25 Oakland City Midcycle Budget: How supporting children and families shows up across the City’s $2.2 Billion budget, July 2024.
- City of Oakland Early Childhood Ecosystem Opportunities: Highlight of priority areas that help increase access and opportunities for all young children and families in Oakland to realize their full potential as the City of Oakland implements the 23-25 Budget; 2023
- 2023-24 Policy & Advocacy Agenda: The Oakland Starting Smart and Strong Policy agenda outlines policy and systems change efforts that will result in better support for Oakland children and families; 2023
- Early Childhood: 2023-2025 Oakland City Budget Summary: How supporting children and families shows up across the City's Budget, July 2023
- Centering Equity in Early Care and Education: Potential Implications of Universal Transitional Kindergarten on Oakland’s Mixed-Delivery System, 2022
- Early Childhood Education Matters in Oakland: An Informational Guide for Elected Officials and Candidates; 2022 (updated 2024)
- Early Childhood Education Matters in Oakland: Candidate responses to the Oakland Starting Smart and Strong questionnaire; 2022
- 2022-23 Policy & Advocacy Agenda: The Oakland Starting Smart and Strong Policy agenda outlines policy and systems change efforts that will result in better support for Oakland children and families; 2022
- City of Oakland Budget Ask - Support Oakland Family Child Care Providers: Request of the City of Oakland to invest in Family Child Care providers to help stabilize the child care workforce in the22-23 Midcycle Budget; 2022
- OSSS EDI Feedback Memo: EDI, Anti-Racism, and Systems Change: Oakland’s Recommendations for the EDI
Methods and Implementation; August 2021 - 2021 State Budget Letter: Letter to representatives about the possible impact of current 2021-22 budget proposals on Oakland families; March 2021
- Impact of 2021-22 Early Childhood Budget Proposals - At a Glance: Summary of the impact of the 2021-22 budget proposals; 2021
- 2020-21 Policy & Advocacy Agenda: The Oakland Starting Smart and Strong Policy agenda outlines policy and systems change efforts that will result in better support for Oakland children and families; 2020
Racial Justice
- ROCK Toolkit: Lessons in Trauma-Responsive, Healing-Centered Early Education: The evolution of ROCK, including practical resources for educators and school leaders to both launch and continue the program at desired sites; 2024
- 10 Promising Practices in Early Learning for Black Boys: Action Toolkit: Materials and tips for improving early learning outcomes for Black boys; 2021
- Ten Promising Practices in Early Learning for Boys of Color: Summary of key promising practices that support boys of color and their families during the early years; September 2020
- Promising Practices Portfolio: Strategies for Supporting Boys of Color and their Families for Improved Early Years Outcomes: A report highlighting programs and practices in Oakland that support boys of color and their families during the early years; 2019
- Call to Action: Recommendations for Common, Equity-Focused Health and Education Indicators for Young Children in Oakland: Call to action for systems and community partners to incorporate early years indicators to track measures of health and educational success of Oakland residents; February 2018
- Analysis of Early Years Health and Education Outcomes and Indicators with a Focus on Boys of Color: Identification and analysis of key indicators which can predict important outcomes for boys of color; April 2017
Community and Family Leadership
- ECEcosystem Project Brief: A brief overview of the process for supporting community activism, through relationship building and centering interviews with parent leaders in developing ECEcosystem Zone Profiles to support organizing and advocacy efforts; 2021
Research and Evaluation
- Developmental Screening in Oakland: Developmental screenings are a vital tool to learn about children’s development and identify delays or concerns for early intervention; 2021
- Early Learning Symposium Evaluation: A post-Symposium evaluation to help OSSS reflect on what has been accomplished to date, as well as to plan for future Symposiums; 2021
- Data Into Action for Oakland’s Children and Families: Using the 2020 Early Development Instrument (EDI) Results; 2020
- Resilient Oakland Communities and Kids (ROCK) trauma informed project: Evaluation Report & Evaluation Summary: An evaluation report of the 2019-20 ROCK trauma informed series; 2019-2020
- Oakland Retrospective Study: Summary report on impact of coaching in OUSD on classroom quality, teaching quality and child development; 2019
Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care: Supporting Informal Caregivers
- Supporting Family Navigators in Oakland: Considerations and Recommendations for
Improved Service Provision and Advocacy; 2022 - 0-5 Oakland Family Resource Center Network Model: Background and overview of the 0-5 Oakland Family Resource Center Network model; January 2018
- Parent Engagement Study: Informal Care in East Oakland: Report on a parent-led research project focused on families accessing informal care in East Oakland by Parent Voices Oakland. Author(s): Parent Voices Oakland, May 2017
- Landscape Analysis and Mapping of Oakland's Program and Services Supporting Informal Caregivers: An analysis and mapping of programs supporting parents of young children and informal caregivers in Oakland; January 2016