This spring’s online session of the Oakland Early Learning Symposium introduced the OSSS Resilient Oakland Communities and Kids (ROCK) Toolkit to over 90 early learning professionals. These Oakland-grown ROCK tools were developed in partnership with a range of early childhood educators and administrators, additional content experts and OSSS staff. At the Symposium, members of this collaborative team discussed how these hands-on tools can help create healing-centered and trauma-responsive early learning environments. Since 2017, OSSS has been working with early childhood educators through the ROCK initiative to increase resilience and healing and to promote the healthy social emotional development of children in trauma-sensitive and trauma-responsive environments. Crucially, educators are more able to offer a healing early learning environment when they are attuned to their own well-being. That’s why, over the years, we’ve crafted and honed an early childhood educator learning framework that includes in-person and virtual group workshops, Professional Learning Communities, coaching, yoga, and self-care resources. Since 2017, through the Resilient Oakland Communities and Kids (ROCK) initiative, Oakland Starting Smart and Strong (OSSS) has been building knowledge about resilience, trauma and its impact on children, and self-care for educators. Examples of ROCK supports for early childhood educators include: in person and virtual trainings, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), educator coaching, yoga, and self care resources. |
July 2024